What To Do About A Car Accident

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It happens. You are driving or riding along and – BAM! – you are in a wreck. Now what?

First, breathe. Now check your safety and that of the other occupants of the vehicles. Call 911 to report the wreck and any injuries.

DO NOT LEAVE THE SCENE OF THE ACCIDENT unless you are injured and in need of immediate attention. (And even if you do need immediate medical attention, in most cases you will get help most quickly by waiting at the scene for first responders to arrive. Thank you, medics and firemen!) But in any event use your judgment and take care of yourself and others as the circumstances dictate.

Now everyone who needs immediate medical attention has it. What next? We recommend taking note of the witnesses to the accident, especially those eyewitnesses who might help the police appreciate what you have just experienced. If you let them drive off without talking to the police and leaving contact information, there goes your witness.

Check in with the investigating police officer or deputy, identify yourself, and tell them what happened. This is your chance to explain your experience in the accident, and it will most likely make it into the accident report in some form. You should ask to write a statement so your own words will be in the report instead of the officer’s summary.

If you are unable to write because of your injuries or shock, or if you are not a good writer, ask the officer how you can provide a statement later.

The officer will want to see drivers’ licenses and vehicles’ proofs of insurance and registration. And he should provide you with insurance information on the at-fault vehicle and how to contact him to get your accident report (typically ready in a few days to about a week).

After an accident you may have a wrecked car, injuries, lost time, and even a ticket (whether you feel it is rightly deserved or not). If you want professional experienced help getting the relief you need and deserve, call McConnell Law Offices.

We’ll help you navigate the insurance and medical-legal issues that pop up after a wreck.

It’s what we do. And we’d love to do it for you. Call us at 337-347-6404. We can help!

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